About Us
Hello! We want to introduce ourselves as Brett and Catherine Tyler. We are The Traveling Tylers!

We have been married for almost six years and have visited many beautiful, fun, and exciting places! We both share a love for history, food, and nature. We like to call ourselves foodies! Through travel, we can experience all three of these things in abundance.

We have the sweetest puppy named Daisy Mae, and she likes to go on road trips with us! We love her company, and she brings us so much joy.

We also enjoy learning more about ourselves and getting to know each other better through travel. You can learn so much about your partner while traveling to places near and far. I am the planner. I am also the one that stresses over things. Brett is the navigator and the calm one. We quickly realized that we worked very well together while traveling!
We get excited about traveling to local places and learning more about the beautiful state of Georgia, where we reside.
You can also find us traveling to places outside of the U.S when we get the chance. We hope to see so many more places in the future, but in between our international trips, you can catch us finding hidden gems in our home state.
I, Catherine, am usually behind the keyboard. Brett is usually behind the lens.
Thank you for stopping by and sharing some of the fun with us! Follow along for inspiration for your next travels, whether it’s near or far.